July/August Happenings:
July 9 - Household Goods service opportunities, 9-12 pm
July 26 - Serve lunch at Lazarus House,
Meet at SEOH 9:30 return by 2 pm
July 9 & 23 - Life Night Fireside Charts
6:30-8:00 pm, SEOH Firepit
Volunteer at Vacation Bible School
July 29-August 2, SEOH
August 6 - Life Night Fireside Chat Series
6:30-8:00 pm, SEOH Firepit
August 7 - Lazarus House Food Pantry
11-3:00 pm
August 22 - Outdoor Game Night
6-8 pm
All activities open to incoming 9th-12th grade
Friends are always wlecome!
Contact Sheila with questions
or for more info: sheilab@avcatholic.org